The stat bonuses activated when this object is equipped, if it is an item.
The angle (in degrees) between shots fired by this object, if it is an item.
The type of bag that this object is dropped in, if it is an item.
The category of this object, such as Equipment
or Dye
The defense of this object, if it is an enemy.
Whether or not the object is an enemy.
The fame bonus applied when this object is equipped, if it is an item.
The feed power of this object.
Whether or not the object occupies the entire square.
Whether or not the object is a god.
The name of the object.
Whether or not the object is an item.
The max HP of this object, if it is an enemy.
The number of projectiles fired by this object, if it is an item.
Whether or not this object occupies a square on the map.
Whether or not the object is a pet.
The first projectile in the projectiles
The projcetiles fired by this object, if it is an enemy.
The rate of fire of this object, if it is an item.
The slot type which this object is for, if it is an item.
The object type.
The XP multiplier of this object, if it is an enemy.
Generated using TypeDoc
An object loaded from the Objects resource